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The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain

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The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain Empty The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain

Post by MajorHoy Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:27 am

First appearance: Knight & Squire #1 (of 6),
cover-dated December 2010:
The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain _001a_28

The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain _001b_30
The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain _001b_29

He also played a major part in the Knight & Squire's efforts to defeat the now-again living Richard the III, former King of England!
The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain _003_c11

The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain _003a_13
The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain _003b_13
The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain _003c_10

Now,if only we could get a story where the Professional Scotsman travels to Batmanor in Scotland!
The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain -_000_82
The Professional Scotsman, Hero of Britain -_001a76

Posts : 2820
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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