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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Philip K Ditko
tony ingram
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:21 pm

Of course not! It's Batman '66, with Jeff Parker and Jonathan Case putting the fun back into comics! I know I swore I'd never buy a DC title again as long as the New 52 existed, but mercifully this is far, far outside the 52. In fact, it's far, far outside any Bat continuity you've ever seen in comics-and judging by this first issue, it's utterly brilliant!Very Happy 

Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Batman66_zps9a91b8fa
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Sam_Vimes Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:28 pm

Yeah, I just loved it. THIS is the comic I was expecting to find when I was a little boy at the grocery store looking for Batman's name in the magazine racks. It's SO good, in fact, that I'm scared DC will be forced to cancel it, as per their established pattern.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:25 pm

I'm really looking forward to seeing their take on some of the other Bat villains, though somewhat conflicted about the idea of them using villains from the comics who weren't in the series; I'm not sure that would work. I'd love to see Egghead or King Tut show up, though!
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Sam_Vimes Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:56 am

Maybe for newer villains they'll "guest-cast" a celebrity likeness from the '60s, like how in Smallville: Season 11 they unmistakably drew Hank Henshaw as Matthew Fox from "Lost".

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:22 am

That is an intriguing idea. Who would make a good Poison Ivy or Two-Face?
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Sam_Vimes Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:45 pm

Two-Face is Frank Sinatra. I'll have to get back to you on Poison Ivy.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:50 pm

Frank Sinatra! Of course he is-how did I not see that!Razz 
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Philip K Ditko Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:37 pm

According to Wikipedia, Poison Ivy's creator, Robert Kanigher, originally modelled her on Bettie Page.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:43 pm

Philip K Ditko wrote:According to Wikipedia, Poison Ivy's creator, Robert Kanigher, originally modelled her on Bettie Page.
Having Ivy's first appearance in my collection, I can't say that immediately leaps out at you. But maybe that's just down to the artists...
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Sam_Vimes Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:56 am

She kind of has the same hair, in some panels.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:48 am

Sam_Vimes wrote:She kind of has the same hair, in some panels.
So did about half the female population...Laughing 
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:02 am

I've bought a couple issues of this, and I'm trying the B'66 meets GH limited series, but in general I'm not liking this.

I loved the TV show when it originally aired back in the 1960s . . . but I was like five years old at the time. When I got older and saw reruns, I noticed all the overly-cheesy things in the scripts and the acting that frankly made me cringe.

Jeff Parker's writing does an excellent job capturing the style and spirit of the old shows . . . but it's too good a job, because some of those things that irked older me are still in Parker's writing.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:04 am

But they're funny! I've never laughed so hard as I did watching the movie based on the 60s TV show.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:40 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:But they're funny! I've never laughed so hard as I did watching the movie based on the 60s TV show.
But, remember . . . I watched the 1960s show when it originally aired . . . and then I got to see some of those episodes over and over again when they were rerun years later on afternoon TV on the independent stations. So I have a slightly different perspective.

(I was also reading comic books regularly by that point, and comic books were trying so hard to forget / live down that campiness of the 1960s.)

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:25 pm

I remember watching it as a kid on ITV on Monday and Tuesday evenings. They reshowed them continually on a loop for years. I was reading the by then more serious Batman in the comics at that time, but I still loved the show. I just saw this as a different variation on Batman, there was room for more than one.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Mbast1 Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:54 pm

tony ingram wrote:I just saw this as a different variation on Batman, there was room for more than one.

I actually like the era of Batman many people hate, where he deals with aliens and has adventures with foreign "Batmen", I think those are fun, and another variation.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:21 pm

I have an old black & white reprint volume of fifties Batman stories, and they're wonderful. I particularly like the ones with the original Batwoman and Bat Girl.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:46 pm

tony ingram wrote:I have an old black & white reprint volume of fifties Batman stories, and they're wonderful. I particularly like the ones with the original Batwoman and Bat Girl.
The old Batman comic book stories I (usually) don't mind . . . it was the TV show that took it too far over-the-top for my likings.

And I still enjoy this:
Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Dc-comics-batman-from-the-1930s-to-the-1970s-issue-1

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:48 pm

I'll have to try and find mine, and post a scan.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:54 pm

tony ingram wrote:I'll have to try and find mine, and post a scan.
Just do a google image search and see if they have one there.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:02 am

I tried. They didn't. It's a rather obscure book.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:09 am

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:53 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:HIPSTERRRRRRRRRRR! Razz
No, I haven't had hip replacement surgery.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Silogramsam Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:34 pm

I bought that Superman book and the Batman one when they came out.  They were the first things I was allowed to order and buy on my own.  I forgot from where I ordered it, though.  Certainly, there were no Previews, Amazons, etc. so it must have been some other source.  Maybe an ad in a DC comic.

I'd post the picture of the cover but it's not working for me.  

Before that, I believe I bought this, in Toronto, of all places.  boy, I hope this works.

nope..It is supposed be All in Color For a Dime.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:42 pm

Silly forum!
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:48 pm

It's working fine for me... 
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:49 pm

Silogramsam wrote:I bought that Superman book and the Batman one when they came out.  They were the first things I was allowed to order and buy on my own.  I forgot from where I ordered it, though.  Certainly, there were no Previews, Amazons, etc. so it must have been some other source.  Maybe an ad in a DC comic.

I'd post the picture of the cover but it's not working for me.
This what you wanted?

Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Superman_From_the_30's_to_the_70's_Vol_1_1  

Silogramsam wrote:Before that, I believe I bought this, in Toronto, of all places.  boy, I hope this works.

nope..It is supposed be All in Color For a Dime.
The version I got was like this

Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  All%2BIn%2BColor%2BFront

a paperback I picked up in a local book shop decades ago in NJ.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:55 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
Silogramsam wrote:I bought that Superman book and the Batman one when they came out.  They were the first things I was allowed to order and buy on my own.  I forgot from where I ordered it, though.  Certainly, there were no Previews, Amazons, etc. so it must have been some other source.  Maybe an ad in a DC comic.

I'd post the picture of the cover but it's not working for me.
This what you wanted?

Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Superman_From_the_30's_to_the_70's_Vol_1_1  

Silogramsam wrote:Before that, I believe I bought this, in Toronto, of all places.  boy, I hope this works.

nope..It is supposed be All in Color For a Dime.
I think I have that one, too...
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by karatattoo Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:51 pm

I also saw the Batman TV series when it originally aired in the U.S. in January, 1966. I was eleven years old and thought the show was fantastic.

The episodes are now being shown here on Saturday nights, two back-to-back and when I see then now I cringe. However, to this day I still think that Batmobile is the best one ever.

The complicated rights issues have been resolved and the complete series is finally being released on DVD and Blu-ray, at least region one, in November.

Now I hope the rights issues surrounding The Green Hornet TV series, which was made by the same production company as Batman, can be resolved.

Now THAT I will buy.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:30 am

I've never seen the Green Hornet series. I've read a few of the comics, but never really understood the appeal of the character, to be honest.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:04 am

It's like, "We'll pick a random colour and a random insect and we'll have a new hero!" Next up: the Pink Earwig.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:26 am

Well, there was a guy called the Red Bee...
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:20 am

With a pet bee called Michael who helped him to fight crime.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:24 am

I think that was a stupid name for a crime busting bee.
Kevin would have been better.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:51 am

Yes. Kevin would have been a bee I could get behind.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Silogramsam Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:14 pm

tony ingram wrote:I've never seen the Green Hornet series. I've read a few of the comics, but never really understood the appeal of the character, to be honest.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:43 pm

It took me a minute to work out that you meant the car, not the horse.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:56 pm

tony ingram wrote:It took me a minute to work out that you meant the car, not the horse.
The car had a lot more horsepower than just one horse.  Razz 

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:41 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:It took me a minute to work out that you meant the car, not the horse.
The car had a lot more horsepower than just one horse.  Razz 
I think the horse in question had more horsepower than the average horse.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:48 pm

Yeah, why can't it be the horse?
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:50 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:Yeah, why can't it be the horse?
I don't think the horse was bullet-proof.

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by karatattoo Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:51 pm

When George W. Trendel created the Green Hornet, the character was simply called the Hornet. It was decided that name was to generic for copyright purposes, so the character with renamed Green Hornet. The color was decided by an old saying: "Madder than a green hornet!"

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:57 pm

Why would a green hornet be significantly madder than any other hornet?
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:12 pm

I'd be mad if I woke up one day and, rather than my usual colour, I was green.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by karatattoo Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:42 pm

Perhaps the old saying was misunderstood.

It actually said "More envious than a Green Hornet."

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:50 pm

What does a hornet have to be envious of? They are not known for their love of material wealth or sexual jealousy, surely?
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:11 pm

Other hornets with bigger stings. They have sting envy Evil or Very Mad
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Sat Aug 09, 2014 2:38 am

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I just saw this as a different variation on Batman, there was room for more than one.

I actually like the era of Batman many people hate, where he deals with aliens and has adventures with foreign "Batmen", I think those are fun, and another variation.
I did like all the "foreign Batmen".
Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Knighttec215

Several years later, Green Arrow "borrowed" the concept.
Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  __gree10

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by Lucy Ingram Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:11 am

One Green Arrow was enough for India, Malaya and the entire continent of Africa? The people there must have been unusually law-abiding.
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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

Post by MajorHoy Sat Aug 09, 2014 2:27 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:One Green Arrow was enough for India, Malaya and the entire continent of Africa? The people there must have been unusually law-abiding.
Most of those areas probably weren't considered "civilized" back in the late 1950s.
(At least, not by the old white people writing comic books.)

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Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?  Empty Re: Holy Fun Stuff, Batman! This Can't be 2013, Can it?

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