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Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics>

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Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> Empty Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics>

Post by MajorHoy Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:27 pm

From the "Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale)" <originally from Quality Comics> thread over in the DC Comics section:
MajorHoy wrote:From Miss America's last feature published by Quality Comics, in Military Comics #7 (cover-dated February 1942):
Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> -_miss10

. . . It would be more than forty years later before she would be featured in a story published by DC comics.
And in the meantime, about one year later, Timely Comics (predecessor to current Marvel Comics) would introduce its own heroine named "Miss America" in the pages of Marvel Mystery Comics #49.
So, from Marvel Mystery Comics #49 (cover-dated November 1943 and, according to the GCD, on-sale September 26th, 1943), here's her debut episode:
Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> Miss_a22
Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> Miss_a24
Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> Miss_a23
Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> Miss_a26
Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> Miss_a27
Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> Miss_a25
Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> Miss_a28

And from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age (2004),
Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> -_00a_10

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Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics> Empty Re: Golden Age Miss America (Madeline Joyce) <Timely Comics>

Post by tony ingram Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:04 am

The first of three (so far) dead women who were believed to be the mother of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch at various points...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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