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Denny O'Neill has died

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Mbast1 Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:45 pm


He wrote one of my absolute favorite comic series, The Question, in the 1980's. I even had a "fan letter" published in one issue. Because I liked that so much I went back and read a lot of his other work, Batman, Green Arrow. His run on Superman was exactly what you'd expect from someone who said they didn't want to write such a cosmic character. And his Richard Dragon novel (the author is listed as Jim Dennis) is in my collection somewhere. I didn't like this Question novel that much, but I'm glad I read it.
All over the place, but I just wanted to write a bit about him. His work meant a lot to me.

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by MajorHoy Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:37 pm

Damn! Every time I turn around, it seems like somebody else who was a comic book writer / artist / editor when I was younger has passed on.  (Last month it was Marty Pasko who died at age 65.)

O'Neil was 81 when he died, at it looks like his death has been attributed to "natural causes".

Here are a couple of links if anybody is interested:
* https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/denny-oneil-batman-writer-editor-dies-81

* https://nypost.com/2020/06/12/denny-oneil-batman-writer-and-comic-book-legend-dead-at-81/

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Barry_Allen Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:23 am

He was a fantastic writer at Denny O'Neill has died 403538 and a great Bat editor; some years ago a fanzine, O'Neill Observer was dedicated to his work but, from here, I failed to get it before it sold out.

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Mbast1 Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:09 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:He was a fantastic writer at Denny O'Neill has died 403538 and a great Bat editor; some years ago a fanzine, O'Neill Observer was dedicated to his work but, from here, I failed to get it before it sold out.

He wrote a LOT I liked. Batman, sure, but his Question run in the 80s-90s is one of my all-time favorite series. I even had a letter to the editor published in one issue...
I used to have (think I no longer do) his Richard Dragon novel.

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Barry_Allen Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:26 am

I knew about his Richard Dragon novel, which is still unpublished in Italy but at time it wasn't easy for me to buy Us books which weren't offered in Previews; I loved his Question series a lot, too, it was published in Green Arrow italian anthology (named Green Arrow & Green Lantern after issue #18) which published also Denny O'Neill's the Question vol. 1 with the Annuals. Cool Denny O'Neill has died Green_17
Denny O'Neill has died Green_15
Last issue which was a double one (#28/29), had a great GL Mignola cover, too:
Denny O'Neill has died Green_16

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:13 pm

Denny was breaking new ground before being groundbreaking was the in thing.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Mbast1 Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:55 pm

tony ingram wrote:Denny was breaking new ground before being groundbreaking was the in thing.

Yes, he definitely was. One of the things I've often wondered about are people who talk about politics and social issues in comics as if that comes out of nowhere. GA comics were (Superman definitely touched on it), but "relevance" was a HUGE deal in DC comics in the early 1970s. Amd O'Neil's work was very much part of that.

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Barry_Allen Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:59 pm

Mbast1 wrote:https://www.cbr.com/denny-oneil-dies-at-81/

He wrote one of my absolute favorite comic series, The Question, in the 1980's. I even had a "fan letter" published in one issue....

Do you remember in which one it was, Mike? Wink

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Mbast1 Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:32 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:Do you remember in which one it was, Mike? Wink

Either 4 or 5, it's been long enough that I forget. I could look, if it mattered.

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Barry_Allen Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:42 pm

Oh, no problem Mike, don't worry, I asked just because maybe I still have them, to have a look and re-read, I remember buying the series in occasion of one of Mile High Comics periodical "big sales" in their website Laughing several years ago...

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Mbast1 Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:29 am

Barry_Allen wrote:Oh, no problem Mike, don't worry,

Just to be clear, I did NOT mean that to seem snotty. I was just saying I COULD look it up, although I'd have to hope the Comixology issues have the letters, because my physical issues are buried in boxes.

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Denny O'Neill has died Empty Re: Denny O'Neill has died

Post by Barry_Allen Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:39 am

Hi, everything is Ok  Wink I don't know all the Us linguistic nuances but I understood what you wanted to write; perhaps in common Italian, the expression "no problem" is much more "easy" and does not imply anything else, I just wanted to say that, in short, I think I have understood what you wanted to say; btw my physical copies are buried in boxes too in the attic (where now I go (not so often as I would like...) when I want to re-find something... ) Smile because I don't use Comixology at moment Cool

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