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Nichelle Nichols Has Died

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Nichelle Nichols Has Died Empty Nichelle Nichols Has Died

Post by tony ingram Sun Jul 31, 2022 9:32 pm

Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek's Lt Uhura, died yesterday aged 89. Nichelle was one of only four surviving main cast members of the original series, one of the others of course being William Shatner, with whom she famously shared one of American television's first interracial kisses in 1967. She was also apparently a comics fan; in the early eighties, she had a letter printed in an issue of The Micronauts (unforgivably, the editor who responded to the letter clearly had no idea who she was).
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Nichelle Nichols Has Died Empty Re: Nichelle Nichols Has Died

Post by Mbast1 Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:05 am

I saw that earlier. I find it heartbreaking. I KNOW the show was on a long time ago, but it seems so fresh, to me.
She will be missed.

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Nichelle Nichols Has Died Empty Re: Nichelle Nichols Has Died

Post by Barry_Allen Thu Aug 04, 2022 8:34 am

tony ingram wrote:Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek's Lt Uhura, died yesterday aged 89. Nichelle was one of only four surviving main cast members of the original series, one of the others of course being William Shatner, with whom she famously shared one of American television's first interracial kisses in 1967.

What a sad news, she was such a good actress and really an American Icon, this news made headlines also on generalist radio and televisions also here.

tony ingram wrote: She was also apparently a comics fan; in the early eighties, she had a letter printed in an issue of The Micronauts (unforgivably, the editor who responded to the letter clearly had no idea who she was).

Now Tony, you need to tell us in which issue of the Micronauts her letter was printed and who was the Super Ignorant Marvel editor... cyclops  Wink  Cool

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Nichelle Nichols Has Died Empty Re: Nichelle Nichols Has Died

Post by tony ingram Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:46 am

Barry_Allen wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek's Lt Uhura, died yesterday aged 89. Nichelle was one of only four surviving main cast members of the original series, one of the others of course being William Shatner, with whom she famously shared one of American television's first interracial kisses in 1967.

What a sad news, she was such a good actress and really an American Icon, this news made headlines also on generalist radio and televisions also here.

tony ingram wrote: She was also apparently a comics fan; in the early eighties, she had a letter printed in an issue of The Micronauts (unforgivably, the editor who responded to the letter clearly had no idea who she was).

Now Tony, you need to tell us in which issue of the Micronauts her letter was printed and who was the Super Ignorant Marvel editor... cyclops  Wink  Cool
I shall have to look through my collection. It was somewhere in the first couple of years...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Nichelle Nichols Has Died Empty Re: Nichelle Nichols Has Died

Post by Philip K Ditko Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:31 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:Now Tony, you need to tell us in which issue of the Micronauts her letter was printed and who was the Super Ignorant Marvel editor... cyclops  Wink  Cool
She had a letter in Micronauts #52, telling them not to resurrect Biotron. Ralph Macchio was editor, and Bob Harras was his assistant.
Philip K Ditko
Philip K Ditko

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Nichelle Nichols Has Died Empty Re: Nichelle Nichols Has Died

Post by tony ingram Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:36 am

That's the one! A bit later than I thought...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Age : 54
Location : The Wilds of Suffolk

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Nichelle Nichols Has Died Empty Re: Nichelle Nichols Has Died

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