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Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet

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Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet Empty Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:15 pm

Well, since Tony mentioned something about this in another thread, . . .
Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet 6e6b371a61bb61b3cf6f78eccd163bb9_xl
Britt Reid Jr., the scion of the Daily Sentinel publishing empire, vanishes during a wild party on his friend's yacht. Meanwhile, crime spikes in the streets of Century City with the mysterious criminal/secret vigilante the Green Hornet absent. It's only a matter of time before SOMEONE puts two and two together, and it's up to Kato, former partner of Britt's father, and his daughter Mulan to protect the city AND the Green Hornet legacy, while finding out what happened to Britt. Amy Chu (Red Sonja, Poison Ivy, KISS) picks up where Kevin Smith left off with an action packed mystery.
Writer: Amy Chu
Art: German Erramouspe
Cover A: Mike Choi
U.S. Cover Price: $3.99
ON SALE DATE: 3/7/2018

Other covers for issue #1 were by:
Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet 984c3467338c6d70de4e4124b6ba16a3_xl
Cover B: Carli Ihde

Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet 9c801c3e460cd6e1eace1dc3a5d3a989_xl
Cover C: Mike McKone

Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet B942b72ef3f8c1587e69a04a38a6af55_xl
Cover D: CP Wilson III

(NOTE: The series is currently up to issue #4.
Issue #5 is due out July 25th.)


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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet Empty Green Hornet Vol. 2 #2 (Dynamite)

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:04 pm

Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet F73b2ad767519fe0279f48a91f6cd189_xl
The new Green Hornet embarks on her journey to become a hero and faces a threat unlike any she's ever faced before.
Writer: Amy Chu
Art: German Erramouspe
Cover A: Mike McKone
U.S. Cover Price: $3.99
ON SALE DATE: 4/4/2018

Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet 5ac0a2edf17efb17c6f23845fb41181c_xl
Cover B: Sean Chen

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet Empty Re: Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet

Post by Lucy Ingram Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:10 am

Those are some pretty neat covers.
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet Empty Re: Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:26 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:Those are some pretty neat covers.
Now, if only what's between the covers was better . . . Neutral

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Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet Empty Re: Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet

Post by Lucy Ingram Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:17 am

You weren't impressed?
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Age : 36
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Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet Empty Re: Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jun 28, 2018 3:07 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:You weren't impressed?
Quite frankly, no.
Too disjointed / too many things that aren't really making much sense.
I'll probably drop it after a couple more issues (but I do sort of want to see if Amy can save her story first).

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Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet Empty Re: Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Dynamite) - a female Hornet

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:02 pm

Bought issue #5 this weekend (and it actually just came out in stores this past Wednesday!) and it looks like it's the end of the story/book for now (though I don't know if Dynamite ever bothered announcing that).
Was not really impressed, and probably won't buy any further issues if it's ever brought back like this again. Rolling Eyes

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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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